Chapter 15 —
Stop Spinning Your Wheels with Random Tactics; Use THIS Plan Instead.
How to choose what to try first.
This can be tricky if you don’t create a full out community strategy, but my guess is that you won’t (no shame) so here is what I would suggest. When it comes to tactics you need to think about a couple things.
- Will everyone see it or is it one on one.
- How long do the effects of the tactic last?
- What kind of change or influence will this have on your members?
- How much of your bandwidth (time) does this tactic take?
Rate each tactic on a scale from 1-3, for each point above and then add up the numbers.
Simply start with the tactics that have the highest numbers (that more members will see, that have the longest and most influential impact). Also look at your bandwidth to see how you can divide your time up.
NOTE: You don’t want to be doing 10 or 15 tactics. Start with 5 maximum.
How to decide if something is working (and keep doing it) or when to stop and try something else.
When trying out new tactics Richard Millington from FeverBee recommends a 3 month testing period. This allows you to collect data on your community and how it’s reacting to your tactics.
Once you have 3 months of data you can look at it to assess how effective each tactic was. Look at that same information that you used when choosing your tactics (the 4 points above) and rate the success of each aspect from 1-3.
Then you can see what is working and what isn’t. If something isn’t working, simply stop doing it and either replace it with a new tactic or add that time to the tactics you’re already implementing successfully.
If you’d like a simple and easy way to track your tactics and their success, grab a copy of this free spreadsheet. It’s make this all seem WAY easier. Trust me.
BONUS MATERIAL: Grab your copy of the master spreadsheet
I'll also send you BOTH my ultimate guides (and bonus offer spreadsheets and systems) to help you engage the members in your online community.
Chapter 16 —
Wrap Up: What You’ve Learned and What Comes Next?
Holy FUCK. Was that good for you? Cause it’s was hella good for me. So good I might need a cigarette… and I don’t even smoke. Oo la la
So what all went down in this beefy beast of a guide?
Let’s recap, cause there’s a lot going on!
We established, explored and dug into…
- Why I only focus on paid communities and not free facebook groups.
- 4 common mistakes that entrepreneurs make when it comes to their course communities, so you can dodge them.
- How a community can stress you out and how to stop worrying.
- Debunking the age old myth about size mattering so you can move forward with a small community.
- The importance of emotions and how you can trigger them in 9 different parts of your community.
- How to make your community sticky as fuck and keep your members coming back for more.
- How to actually go about welcoming people into your community so they can make themselves at home right off the bat.
- What is your job as host…really?
- Your fears about TIME and how much tic-toc a community actually needs.
- The platform you’ve chosen and how that can impact engagement.
- “Auto posting” and “daily threads” and why they aren’t always so great.
- Self-promotional assholes and how to keep them at bay.
- Live coaching and how it can make a community even better.
- How you can know that your actions are making an impact.
- 8 techniques that I personally use to engage the communities I manage or engage in.
- How to implement and test your tactics in the long term.
With this badass guide in your back pocket, you’ll be able to approach your community with a new sense of calm and control AND be able to authentically engage your audience so that your course community transforms into a more self-sufficient machine of support, sharing and caring.
It’s a win-win. Your students feel supported, connected and get results faster, and you set the foundation for fans for life, killer testimonials, and star students to brag the shit out of.
Chapter 17 —
That’s right folks, not only am I pouring my grey matter out all over this page, I wanted to give you even more free shit to help ensure that you can engage your community members.
Take a lookie-loo at the bonuses below and if ya’ dig em snap them up. Just tell me where to send them and I’ll hook you up.
BONUS MATERIAL: Get the whole enchilada of bonus materials to engage your community members.
I'll send you BOTH my ultimate guides (and bonus offer spreadsheets and systems) to help you engage the members in your online community.
- FREE BONUS #1: Want to know where you’re dropping the engagement ball in your community? Take this quick quiz/audit and see where you’re leaving engagement on the table and quick fixes you can do right now to change it.
- FREE BONUS #2: Engagement checklist and tracker sheet to see what you’re already doing, what you have yet to try and how you’re implementing it.
A Quick Something-Something Before You Go
The fact that you read through this entire guide shows that you’re serious about making your community engaged AF and maybe you know other badasses that want to do the same.
If you do know someone that would be over the moon to learn what you read here, I’d love (and super appreciate it) if you shared it with them. They can download their own copy of the guide (and grab the sanity saving free-swag) by going here.
Also, if you’re feeling like singing from the digital rooftops about this guide, by all means share the guide on Facebook, Twitter, email or the ever so fashionable passenger pigeon.
Thank you again for taking the time to read this beast of a guide and for allowing me the pleasure of helping you with your community.
Hugs and Skittles,Diana(That lady down there sitting on a massive chess board. Strategic AF!)
PS: If you DO apply something (or anything from this guide) and it helps your community, shoot me an email and let me know. I love hearing stories and seeing how this guide helps others better engage your community members. 🙂
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