You’ve seen Dave the Unicorn here on my site, and you’re here for it!
Born out of my desire to create a new breed of unicorn for my brand...Dave is legless with a cute kawaii face. Unique AF!
When my clients see him for the first time, their reaction is pretty unanimous!
OMG, I need some Dave in my life!
Which got me thinking…
What if Dave was more than a digital ambassador for my business?
What if I made some Dave swag for clients and anyone digging his cute AF vibe?

Think...stickers, note pads, stationary, pens, backpacks, T-shirts, hats, stuffed animals, planners, ALL THE THINGS.
But - like everything - you’ve gotta start somewhere, and that’s what I’ma-gonna-do!
If you want to be first in line to get a Dave fix, pop your name and email below. You’ll make history too, helping decide what to start with!